Honors Student Conference

A group of students participates in a panel at the 2017 Honors Student Conference

Every year, Honors students have the opportunity to participate in the Honors Student Conference where they can share their work and get feedback from their professors and other members of the Honors faculty. Students can submit any paper (typically ranging from 7-15 pages in length) that they have written for an Honors class over the past academic year for display consideration. Participation in the event is optional for students, but any Honors student presenting a thesis is required to attend. For more information on the Honors Senior Thesis, visit our page here.

What to Expect at the Conference

If a student’s paper is accepted for presentation at the Honors Student Conference, then that student will create a visual presentation of their topic on a tri-fold poster provided by the Honors department. During the conference, students will be given an assigned presentation window during which they will stand by their poster, discuss their research, and answer questions asked by attendees. Presenters will receive plenty of assistance and feedback from the Honors faculty leading up to the conference so that they know what to expect and can come confident and fully prepared.

Why Students Should Participate

For students who are interested in pursuing graduate education, the Honors Student Conference is a chance to dip their toes into planning and presenting a thesis. Even for students who are not planning on attending graduate school, the conference cultivates communication skills applicable for any future career. This is also a chance for students to meet one-on-one with professors outside of the office and get meaningful, constructive feedback. Students who do present at the conference will receive “Honors Scholarship”, putting them one step closer to Honors Distinction. For more information about Honors Partnership and Distinction, visit our page here.

How to Submit Your Work

To submit your work, complete the attached fillable application, which can be found here. Instructions on how to submit the application to D2L are in the application. For all questions regarding the Honors Research Conference, please email Nancy Grossman at nancy.grossman@depaul.edu.

Photos from Past Conferences

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