Honors Senior Thesis Information

Students who want an academic challenge, are interested in pursuing graduate school, or have a personal research interest they want to explore may choose to undertake the Honors Senior Thesis. The Honors Senior Thesis offers students an opportunity to reflect on and synthesize their years of education at DePaul by designing a meaningful project that they research and write under the supervision of two faculty members, independent of a classroom structure. The project can take many forms, including creative work, building on work in one’s major, or concepts gained from Honors and other coursework.

If a student chooses to pursue the Honors Senior Thesis, the project will be split across two quarters:

Pre-Thesis Quarter

This quarter is when you will prepare your thesis, which means you will need to:

  • Identify your topic and thesis type
  • Locate a thesis director and faculty reader
  • Establish a timeline and schedule for your thesis’ specific needs
  • Begin preliminary research by locating and evaluating potential sources
  • Create your Thesis Proposal
  • Submit your Thesis Proposal

Thesis Completion

This is when you will complete your thesis, but before doing so you will need to:

  • Meet regularly with your thesis director
  • Research, Read, Draft, Write, and Create
  • Submit a draft to your faculty reader for suggested revisions
  • Revise based on feedback
  • Submit your final thesis to your director, faculty reader, and the Honors Program

After completing and submitting your thesis, you will give a presentation among other thesis students at the Honors Student Conference

The Materials packet contains an explanation of the format, guidelines, ideas, and timeline for the Thesis.

To learn more, check out our most recent Thesis Information Zoom session.

If you have any questions or concerns, or if you just want to discuss your thesis, email Nancy Grossman at nancy.grossman@depaul.edu.

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